Advanced Fiction Writing


For qualified undergraduate students who wish to continue their creative writing and reading through immersion in an intensive fiction workshop. Students wishing to enroll must not only register but also submit a fiction sample of not more than 15 pages (double-spaced). The sample must include, at the top of the first page, your name, the semester you took Fiction Writing 2, and the name of the Fiction Writing 2 instructor. Submit samples to the English Department mailbox (Duncker Hall 116) of Professor Marshall Klimasewiski no later than December 2, 2024. This course enrolls from the waitlist and no one is officially enrolled until contacted by the instructor. It counts toward the Creative Writing Concentration. PREREQ: Fiction Writing 1, Fiction Writing 2, undergraduates only. While some preference will be given to creative writing concentrators, this is not a guarantee that all concentrators will be accepted into the course. With this in mind, concentrators are urged to plan ahead in order to fulfill the 400-level course requirement in their genre track.
Course Attributes: EN H; AS HUM; FA HUM; AR HUM; WR F

Section 01

Advanced Fiction Writing
INSTRUCTOR: Klimasewiski
View Course Listing - SP2024
View Course Listing - SP2025