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Arts & Sciences
Graduate Studies in A&S
Networks and Network Analysis for the Humanities
This course is an introduction to the multiple methodologies of the vigorous and innovative field of narrative theory. Students will explore core texts of classical and contemporary narratology with an eye not only toward understanding the diversity of narrative theoretical approaches, but also toward using narrative theory as a tool of textual analysis in their own work. The course will focus broadly on the practices and formal dynamics of storytelling, examine key concepts and terminology (e.g., story/discourse, focalization, unreliable narration, diegesis, etc.), consider the application of narrative theory across a wide range of genres and media, and investigate recent cultural approaches to narrative, including feminist and queer narratologies, cognitive narratology, unnatural narratology, transmedial narratology, rhetorical narratology and affect studies. Readings include texts by GĂ©rard Genette, Dorrit Cohn, Mikhail Bakhtin, James Phelan, Monika Fludernik, Sue Lanser, Brian Richardson, David Herman, Marie-Laure Ryan, Lisa Zunshine, H. Porter Abbott, Suzanne Keen and others. Designed for graduate students; advanced undergraduates may enroll only with express permission of instructor. Readings and discussions in English.
Course Attributes: EN H; AS HUM; AS LCD
Section 01
Networks and Network Analysis for the Humanities
M-W---- 01:00 PM | 0112