This course is designed for English majors who are concentrating in creative writing and who are interested in pursuing a long-form project (collection of stories, collection of poems, novella, novel, collection of essays, novella or novel-length memoir). The course is also open to advanced writers from outside the concentration or major, but these students will be expected to petition the instructor for enrollment by submitting a work sample of 10 pages (in the instructor's mailbox by Dec. 1, 2017). This course will enable each student to situate their work in the context of a community of undergraduate writers, as well as in the larger literary world. There are several aspects to this seminar: as a group, you will read several books on writers and writing and discuss them over the course of the semester, finding ways to think and speak about your own writerly interests and creative practices. Next, through group workshops, you will respond to the work of your peers to whom you will submit your long form project in several stages. Visitors to our seminars will include fellows and faculty from the Washington University MFA program and visiting writers participating in the English Dept. reading series; you will have the chance to interact with these visitors in a series of Q&As in which we will learn about their individual creative practices. Finally, throughout the semester you will meet with your faculty guide to discuss the evolution of your project. After each meeting, students will be expected to prepare a response / assessment of the meeting, as well as a revision plan. Pre-reqs: Students must have completed the 200 and 300 level course sequence for the concentration. Please note that this course does NOT count toward the sequence of courses required for completion of the creative writing concentration or an elective.
Course Attributes: EN H; AS HUM; FA HUM; AR HUM