Morality and Markets


What does it look like to live a moral life in today's market system? We know all too well what it does not look like. The news is filled with moral failures of leaders and executives at top firms. We like to believe that we would behave differently, but what kinds of pressures inform our moral choices? What pulls us, what pushes us, and what persuades us to act one way rather than another? These are the questions that a course combining business and literature can address in unique ways; the world of fiction helps us to examine the ethical dilemmas of the market we inhabit every day. In this course, we use great books, classics of film and modern television, and the tools of modern psychology and business strategy to think critically about what is entailed in living a moral life in the midst of the modern market. This course is for first-year (non-transfer) students only.
Course Attributes: EN H; AS HUM; FA HUM; AR HUM; BB

Section 01

Morality and Markets
INSTRUCTOR: Boumgarden, Van Engen
View Course Listing - FL2023