Wren Henderson

Senior Lecturer in English
Co-Director of Advanced Writing
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    contact info:

    mailing address:

    • Washington University
    • CB 1122
    • One Brookings Dr.
    • St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
    image of book cover

    Wren’s research and teaching interests include: 20th- and 21st-century British and Anglophone literature; postmodern country house novels; postcolonial literature and theory; queer & trans* literature and theory; composition and rhetorical theory; speculative fiction; drug use and addiction in literature; and technology’s impacts on subjectivity.


    Wren has published essays on the English Heritage Industry and country-house novels like Wide Sargasso Sea and Atonement, and they have presented research on authors like China Mieville and Hanif Kureishi, and on creating inclusive learning environments. They currently serve on the English Department’s Culture and Climate Committee and on the University’s General Literacy Assessment Committee. 


    Beyond the classroom, Wren is an avid fan of two other popular rhetorical art forms: Dungeons & Dragons and professional wrestling. They co-facilitate a support group for genderqueer and non-binary St. Louisans, as well as a local trans* book/media discussion club, and they live in a 150-year-old flounder house with their two humans and three cats. 



    Recent Courses

    L14 3552 “Introduction to Literary Theory” 

    L14 156 “Literature of Addiction: From Opium to Adderall” 

    L13 312 “Argumentation” 

    L13 311 “Exposition” 

    L13 306W “The Long Essay: Researched Writing”