Publishing Internship -- Dorothy, a publishing project


Dorothy, a publishing project-a nationally acclaimed independent press publishing works of innovative fiction-offers a one-year internship for an MFA student in creative writing. Students can apply in the spring of their first year, to begin the internship the following fall. The intern chosen will work directly with Marty Riker, the press's editor, on mutually agreed upon projects that take into account the intern's interests and strengths. In general, however, the internship is designed to give students a wide range of experience with literary publishing, and so will likely involve a mix of editorial tasks (e.g., reviewing submissions, writing reader's reports, copyediting manuscripts in layout), marketing, design, and book production and distribution. The intern will also have opportunities to represent the press publicly, including at the annual AWP conference (travel and hotel expenses will be covered), and his or her name will appear on the press's masthead. Interested students should submit a letter of application and CV to Professor Riker( and Program Director David Schuman ( no later than March 15 of the spring semester of their first year. Prerequisite: Completion in good standing of the first year of the MFA in Creative Writing and accepted application.
Course Attributes:

Section 01

Publishing Internship -- Dorothy, a publishing project
View Course Listing - FL2023
View Course Listing - SP2024
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