Back Results for: Faculty

The Echo’s Rose

Kathryn Davis’ “Versailles”

Mary Jo Bang: Pick of the Week

Three Cantos from Dante’s Paradiso - Mary Jo Bang

Kathryn Davis - Versailles

WashU Hot Ones: Heather McPherson

WashU’s nationally known literary magazine helps students grow their skills

Parvulescu wins $1.2M European Union grant

Can’t look away: The phenomena of true crime makes its way to WashU

ChatGPT, screen bans and 3D rocks

A behind-the-scenes look at Riker and Dutton's feminist press

Parvulescu installed as Liselotte Dieckmann Professor in Comparative Literature

Niki Herd is featured in today's Poetry Daily

Parvulescu wins Barrington Moore Book Award

Carl Phillips wins the 2023 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry

Q & A: David Schuman, Director of The Writing Program

Riker's novel ‘The Guest Lecture’ receives critical praise

Navigating layers of empire

Martin Riker Publishes "The Guest Lecture"

A Q & A With Matthew Shipe, Senior Lecturer and Director of Advanced Writing

Danielle Dutton has a Double-Feature in the New Yorker

Interview: Claire Sommers, PhD

"Margaret the First" and "The Silk Road" are featured in The Guardian's Top 10 Experimental Feminist Books

Interview: Victoria Thomas, Barrister & PhD

Interview: Martin Riker, Director of the new Publishing Concentration

Interview: Doctor Ana Quiring

Publisher's Weekly covers Martin Riker's 'The Guest Lecture' in this week's Starred Review

Robert Milder's latest essay, published in the Spring issue of the University of Toronto Quarterly

Listen to Niki Herd read her poem, "Aubade for The Late Great Show" on NER Out Loud

The Record Highlights William J. Maxwell amongst new Faculty Fellowships

Publisher's Weekly Highlights 'Dorothy: A Publishing Project'

The Latest Publications from MFA Alum and Faculty Member, Eileen G'Sell

Chris Eng's 2020 GLQ article "Apprehending the 'Angry Ethnic Fag'" awarded honorable mention for the Crompton-Noll Article Award!

Professor Robert Milder's essay was published in Winter 2021 Issue of Arizona Quarterly

Chicago Review of Books with David Schuman

Schuman’s new prose chapbook bends genres

"Infinite Variety Literary Invention, Theology, and the Disorder of Kinds" by Wolfram Schmidgen published by Penn Press

"Acorn" by Danielle Dutton in The New Yorker

"From Another Approach" by Mary Jo Bang

Transactions with Disorder: "American Pastoral" and "To the Lighthouse"

These 12 novels set in Missouri belong on your reading list

Mary Jo Bang Wonders Why It Takes So Long to Meet Beatrice in Dante’s "Inferno"

Matthew Shipe writes opening chapter for "Philip Roth in Context"

Phillip Maciak co-edits and contributes essay to LA Review of Books "Streaming Symposium"

'Poetry For All' Wants To Help You Find Poetry That Speaks To You

A Coming-of-Age Film That Sidesteps Cliché

Redux: Nothing Is Commoner in Summer than Love

‘A wonderful catastrophe’

The Covering Cherub: An Interview with Joshua Cohen

"A Taste Of Freedom" with guest Rafia Zafar on NPR's "Code Switch"

The Virtue of Virginity: Remaking Cleopatra in Elizabeth’s Image in "The False One"

Carl Phillips Wins Jackson Poetry Prize, $75,000 Award

Cut & Paste: Poet Carl Phillips Explores The Politics Of The Everyday

Comedy writing class leads to publications for four Arts & Sciences students

Fast notes on the FOIA film

Dr. Claire Sommers to offer two Early Modern Literature courses in Fall 2021

The Intoxicating Tilda Swinton Masters Almodóvar

A Film That Tests Assumptions About Race, Rape, and Power

"9to5" Strikes at a Missing Piece of Feminist History

Two Dramas Plumb the Depths of Women’s Midlife Chaos

Steven Meyer publishes article in The Palgrave Handbook of Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature and Science

"Pieces of a Woman" Falls to Pieces

“MLK/FBI” and “Her Socialist Smile” Desanitize Two Radical Icons

Danielle Dutton writes short story "One Woman and Two Great Men" in the Chicago Review

Pilgrims, Puritans, and the importance of the unexceptional

Rafia Zafar interviewed as "foodways scholar" in Sauce Magazine

Claude McKay in Our Time: A Conversation with Gary Holcomb and William J. Maxwell on “Romance in Marseille”

Bill Maxwell's edition of Claude McKay's rediscovered novel "Romance in Marseille" is reviewed in the November 5th issue of "The New York Review of Books"

‘At the edge of political crisis’: Zwicker edits new Oxford texts of John Dryden

Dutton and Riker win Golden Colophon award

Associate Professor Melanie Micir's book makes shortlist for Modernist Studies Association’s First Book Prize

Associate Professor Jessica Rosenfeld writes about ‘Quarantine envy’ and the deep inequalities in American life

Poetry for all

Professor Mary Jo Bang's translation of poem published in The Yale Review

Professor Danielle Dutton's piece "Sixty-six Dresses I Have Read" is published at Fence

Abram Van Engen publishes article titled "Abide With Me"

Writing minor Max Klapow wins Truman Scholarship, mentored by Senior Lecturer Victoria Thomas

MFA Program Director David Schuman has short story in latest issue of "The Rupture"

Dr. Claire Sommers to offer Cleopatra in Elizabethan England course in Fall 2020

"Romance in Marseille," the Claude McKay novel co-edited by Prof. Bill Maxwell, reviewed by several prominent journals

Visiting Writer-in-Residence Diane Seuss awarded a 2020 Guggenheim Fellowship for Poetry

Professor Carl Phillips's new book on list of must-read poetry

Creative Writing professor David Schuman publishes two short stories in Fence

Creative Writing professor David Schuman publishes essay in Colorado Review

"The Lost Secrets Of The Harlem Renaissance" on NPR

"Romance in Marseille," the forgotten Claude McKay novel co-edited by Prof. Bill Maxwell, was reviewed in yesterday's "New York Times" and "Washington Post."

Professor Mary Jo Bang's translation of Stars on Earth by Shuzo Takiguchi published in LARB's Quarterly Journal

Professor Melanie Micir awarded the 2019 Florence Howe Award for Feminist Scholarship

Bang's Purgatorio published in The New Yorker

Professor Danielle Dutton publishes short story

Professor Deborah Taffa's memoir wins SFWP Literary Award

Professors Danielle Dutton and Kathryn Davis are mentioned in Literary Hub list of 20 best novels of the decade

Poet and Pulitzer Finalist Diane Seuss to Join MFA Faculty as Visiting Lecturer and Writer for Spring 2020

Professor Melanie Micir's book "The Passion Projects: Modernist Women, Intimate Archives, Unfinished Lives" has been published

The Way Prayer Is -- an Interview with Carl Phillips

Bill Maxwell has published an essay, "Teaching Baldwin Teaching," on James Baldwin's career in his classrooms and ours, in the September 2019 number of The Common Reader

Assistant Professor Melanie Micir’s essay, “The Small Press and the Feminist Critic,” published in The Critic as Amateur (Bloomsbury Academic, September 2019)

Professor Martin Riker's review of "Ducks, Newburyport" will appear in New York Times Book Review

Aditi Machado wins the James Laughlin Award from the Academy of American Poets

Professor Matthew Shipe publishes article for Abbey Road's fiftieth anniversary

Professor Phillip Maciak publishes his book

Assistant Professor Melanie Micir publishes article in "Modernism/modernity"

Bill McKelvy’s essay “The Importance of Being Ezra: Canons and Conversions in The Moonstone” appears in the current issue of ELH.

Professor Rafia Zafar's book reviewed in Wall Street Journal

MFA Fiction faculty Kathryn Davis and Danielle Dutton both have stories in the new issue of Conjunctions

'Born a slave, died a chef': WU professor writes about role of food in search for civil rights

Carl Phillips wins the LA Times Book Prize

Bill McKelvy marks the 200th anniversary of John William Polidori's seminal vampire story for the Center for the Humanities

Wash U Graduate Andrew Ridker discusses his new novel

Senior Lecturer Martin Riker's novel reviewed in The New Yorker

Senior Lecturer Martin Riker's novel reviewed in The New Yorker

English Literature Professor Melanie Micir Highlights Technology in the Humanities

Carl Phillips is a finalist for the LA Times Book Prize

Senior Lecturer Martin Riker reviewed new books this month for the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times

Carl Phillips is named the winner of the 2019 Aiken Taylor Award for Modern American Poetry

Professor Bill Maxwell to edit and introduce Claude McKay’s novel “Romance in Marseille”

Senior Lecturer Martin Riker's new novel reviewed in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Wall Street Journal

Lecturer Matthew Shipe selected as a consulting editor for "Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction"

Associate Professor Danielle Dutton and Senior Lecturer Martin Riker profiled in the Los Angeles Review of Books

Senior Lecturer Martin Riker interviewed in The Millions

Lecturer Matthew Shipe featured in a story in The Source

Senior Writer in Residence Marshall Klimasewiski’s piece, “William Gaddis and the Thoughts of Others,” appears this month in Conjunctions (alongside work by Professor Mary Jo Bang)

First episodes of C21 STL podcast, by students in Assistant Professor Melanie Micir’s Contemporary Fiction course, available now

Assistant Professor Long Le-Khac’s article “Bildungsroman Hermeneutics in the Post-Civil Rights Era” published in American Literature

Associate Professor Danielle Dutton's story published in the Paris Review

Professor Bill Maxwell's book "James Baldwin: The FBI File" is the subject of the cover essay of the March 7th edition of the London "Times Literary Supplement"/"TLS"

English Awards: Deadline March 21

Lecturer Martin Riker's review of Mike McCormack's "Solar Bones" published in the New York Times Book Review

Professor Vivian Pollak and PhD students Timothy DeCelle and Alexandra Swanson featured on Muriel Rukeyser: A Living Archive

Lecturer Matthew Shipe's chapter published in "A Political Companion to Philip Roth"

Lecturer Martin Riker's review of two books by Fleur Jaeggy published in the New York Times Book Review

Associate Professor Abram Van Engen news and updates