Back Results for: Awards and Notables

Carl Phillips wins the 2023 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry

Riker's novel ‘The Guest Lecture’ receives critical praise

Katy Hargett-Hsu's “Internal Dissent” wins the Lynda Hull Memorial Poetry Prize

MFA Alum Robert Whitehead wins 2022 Anne Halley Prize from Massachusetts Review

2022 NEXT Award Winners

Chris Eng's 2020 GLQ article "Apprehending the 'Angry Ethnic Fag'" awarded honorable mention for the Crompton-Noll Article Award!

Grace Lillard wins first annual English Department Graduate Student Teaching Award, Tom Sawyer Honorable Mention

Carl Phillips Wins Jackson Poetry Prize, $75,000 Award

Two graduate students receive Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence

Matt Weinstock wins St. Louis Literary Award "Inspired By Showcase" graduate prize

Anna Preus and Deborah Thurman awarded the Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence from the Office of Graduate Studies

Zenique Gardner Perry wins 2020 "Illuminating Black Lives" fellowship at Writers' Colony of Dairy Hollow

Penguin Poets to publish Tran’s debut

Dutton and Riker win Golden Colophon award

Associate Professor Melanie Micir's book makes shortlist for Modernist Studies Association’s First Book Prize

Writing minor Max Klapow wins Truman Scholarship, mentored by Senior Lecturer Victoria Thomas

Visiting Writer-in-Residence Diane Seuss awarded a 2020 Guggenheim Fellowship for Poetry

Professor Melanie Micir awarded the 2019 Florence Howe Award for Feminist Scholarship

Professor Deborah Taffa's memoir wins SFWP Literary Award

Aditi Machado wins the James Laughlin Award from the Academy of American Poets

MFA alum Jae Kim wins 2019 Poems in Translation Contest

MFA Alum Justin Phillip Reed wins the Lilly Rosenberg Fellowship

MFA alum Judith Bishop wins 2019 NSW Premier's Literary Awards Kenneth Slessor Prize

Professor Rafia Zafar's book reviewed in Wall Street Journal

Carl Phillips wins the LA Times Book Prize

MFA Student Analeah Rosen receives Fulbright research scholarship

Melanie Walsh Awarded 2018-2019 Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence

English majors CeCe Heard and Taylor Bailey will be recognized at the James E. McLeod Honors and Awards Ceremony

Senior Lecturer Martin Riker's novel reviewed in The New Yorker

Carl Phillips is a finalist for the LA Times Book Prize

MFA alum Katya Apekina is a finalist for the LA Times Book Prize

Senior Lecturer Martin Riker reviewed new books this month for the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times

PhD student Samantha Pergadia publishes article

PhD student Stephen Reaugh publishes article

MFA Student Charles McCrory publishes two short stories

Carl Phillips is named the winner of the 2019 Aiken Taylor Award for Modern American Poetry

The Spectacle Launches its 6th Issue

Senior Fellow in Creative Non-Fiction Sylvia Sukop publishes two essays

Professor Bill Maxwell to edit and introduce Claude McKay’s novel “Romance in Marseille”

MFA Alum Justin Phillip Reed wins National Book Award in Poetry

Senior Lecturer Martin Riker's new novel reviewed in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Wall Street Journal

PhD student Esei Murakishi's essay "Thomas More’s Account of Natural Language and the Literariness of His Polemics" appears in the current issue of MLQ

MFA alum Aaron Coleman's essay published by the Poetry Society of America

Associate Professor Danielle Dutton and Senior Lecturer Martin Riker profiled in the Los Angeles Review of Books

PhD student Melanie Walsh's essay "Tweets of a Native Son: The Quotation and Recirculation of James Baldwin from Black Power to #BlackLivesMatter" published in American Quarterly

Alumni Update: Judith Bishop, MFA 2004

MFA Alum Katya Apekina's debut novel, "The Deeper the Water the Uglier the Fish," published by Two Dollar Radio

Clone of PhD student Michael Sanders's review of George Saunders's "Lincoln in the Bardo" published by Kenyon Review Online

Senior Lecturer Martin Riker interviewed in The Millions

MFA Alum Justin Phillip Reed on longlist for National Book Award for Poetry

Washington University ranked as one of the top 10 schools for writers by College Magazine

MFA student Paul Tran receives 2018 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship

MFA alums' essay published in "They Said: A Multi-Genre Anthology of Contemporary Collaborative Writing"

Lawrence Ypil (MFA '12) chosen as a winner of The Gaudy Boy Poetry Book Prize

Alumni Update: Mike Bezemek, MFA 2008

MFA Alumni Update: Suzanne Cleary

PhD student Samantha Pergadia's article published in Feminist Studies

Senior Writer in Residence Marshall Klimasewiski’s piece, “William Gaddis and the Thoughts of Others,” appears this month in Conjunctions (alongside work by Professor Mary Jo Bang)

PhD Student Ben Meiners publishes two articles

First episodes of C21 STL podcast, by students in Assistant Professor Melanie Micir’s Contemporary Fiction course, available now

Seniors Julie Merrell and Harry Hall interviewed for the Kling Fellowship Program's "TL;DR" series

Assistant Professor Long Le-Khac’s article “Bildungsroman Hermeneutics in the Post-Civil Rights Era” published in American Literature

Associate Professor Danielle Dutton's story published in the Paris Review

Professor Bill Maxwell's book "James Baldwin: The FBI File" is the subject of the cover essay of the March 7th edition of the London "Times Literary Supplement"/"TLS"

Alumni Update: Aaron Coleman, MFA 2015

Cassie Donish (MFA 2016)'s chapbook "On the Mezzanine" chosen as the winner of the Gold Line Press Chapbook Competition

Benjamin Cooper (PhD 2010)'s book "Veteran Americans: Literature and Citizenship from Revolution to Reconstruction" to be published in May

Heidi Pennington's (PhD 2013) book "Creating Identity in the Victorian Fictional Autobiography" to be published in April

Alumni update: Nathaniel Rosenthalis, MFA 2016

Lecturer Martin Riker's review of Mike McCormack's "Solar Bones" published in the New York Times Book Review

Professor Vivian Pollak and PhD students Timothy DeCelle and Alexandra Swanson featured on Muriel Rukeyser: A Living Archive

Lecturer Matthew Shipe's chapter published in "A Political Companion to Philip Roth"

Lecturer Martin Riker's review of two books by Fleur Jaeggy published in the New York Times Book Review

Associate Professor Abram Van Engen news and updates

Assistant Professor Edward McPherson's recent publications and news

Alumni Update: Phillip Williams (MFA 2014)

Professor Bill Maxwell Publishes "James Baldwin: The FBI File"